American Solidarity Party of Colorado

Common Good | Common Ground | Common Sense

About us

The American Solidarity Party (or "ASP" for short) is the fastest-growing political party in the United States. We incorporated in 2016 for a grassroots presidential campaign that netted 6,697 votes. In 2020, with a very small budget, the Brian Carroll/Amar Patel ticket received 42,305 votes, and our membership more than doubled in size. We continue to grow.

The Colorado Chapter of the American Solidarity Party is working to obtain permanent ballot status in Colorado.  If you would like to be part of a movement to bring common sense back to American politics, join us and register as an ASP voter.


Solutions to Issues



Life Issues

We support laws that protect human life from conception to natural death. We would abolish the death penalty, euthanasia, torture, abortion and forever wars.




Social Justice Issues

We support ending racial injustice, and enacting laws that protect the most vulnerable members of our society.




Community Issues

We support efforts to create safe and flourishing communities. Reform zoning laws, land use laws, immigration and voting rights.



Environmental Issues

We support laws and programs that protect the environment and our natural resources, now and for future generations.




Economic Issues

We support laws and programs to remedy economic injustice. Workers' rights and a family wage must be ensured. Everyone has access to healthcare, housing and a dignified way to earn a living.




Peace Issues

We believe strongly in peace. Diplomatic and nonviolent means must be sought to solve problems. Aid and trade policies must advance justice and sustainability.

Are Our Values Your Values?

Join the American Solidarity Party.  Contact your local county government to register to vote as a member of the American Solidarity Party in Colorado.

Contact us

Are you interested in helping change America for the better? Contact us to be added to the ASP Colorado email list.  Join the ASP.

American Solidarity Party of Colorado

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